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Thomas Warfield - Pittsford PTSA Black History Month

Welcome to our Pittsford PTSA, Black History Month Program —Black History is American History—dedicated to celebrating Black Americans and other peoples of African descent.

For week three of our Black History Month Program, we are grateful to feature Rochester, New York native Thomas Warfield, a talented and prolific performer and educator.

Thomas Warfield is the founder/artistic director of PeaceArt International (a local/global outreach organization using the arts to foster world peace), Director of dance at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Associate Director of Kaleidoscope Dance Theatre and vocal soloist at Unity Church in Rochester, NY. He also serves at the Chilmark Community Church on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. In addition, Thomas is the Co-president of Rochester Region Association of Teaching Artists (RRATA) and sits on the State Board of ATA.

Thomas grew up in a family of talented performing artists. He is the son of Reverend Robert Warfield, a human rights activist and musical conductor. Thomas is the nephew of world-renowned singers William Warfield and Leontyne Price. His social activism coupled with his artistic endeavors began at an early age and continues to encompass a broad, diverse spectrum of involvement in communities around the world.

Thomas Warfield began piano lessons at age four, and at six, was performing on stage. He began dance training in Rochester, NY. with Olive McCue at the Mercury Ballet Studio. He studied at the School of American Ballet and the Joffrey Ballet Studio in New York City. Thomas went on to earned a full scholarship to complete his studies at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in New York City.

Thomas sat down with PTSA DE&I Liaison Alexandra Powell to provide a personal interview for our community; please listen in. Pittsford PTSA thanks Mr. Warfield for taking the time out of his schedule to provide our parents and students with this unique opportunity to hear about the life and experiences of a Black artist and performer from our greater Rochester community.

To find out more about Mr. Warfield, his art, and professional endeavors, please refer to the resources below:


Thomas recently joined with Rochester Artist Collaborative on a campaign to support the arts. Rochester Artist Collaborative is creating public works of art to inspire the community. Come participate in their campaign and celebrate the moments in life that make us happy and bring us comfort.

To find out more, visit #CelebrateTheMoment to enjoy some of Thomas Warfield's most recent work and join a positive and supportive artistic community. Please consider making a donation to Rochester Arts Collective to help support opportunities for Black artists to create works for the entire community.



Throughout February, we will share our PTSA programming. We will also include news about the exciting educational experiences that schools across our district have planned to help students and families celebrate Black History Month.

We know that it is essential to create welcoming schools and classrooms where differences in language, culture, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, unique abilities, etc., are viewed as assets rather than deficits. An awareness and acceptance of these differences are foundational to the success of all students.

Please return to our website each week. Here you will find interviews, historical profiles, and resources providing snapshots of the culture and the legacy of the African Diaspora and life in America.


Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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