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Pittsford PTSA Celebrates Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month


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Interviews with Pittsford Parents with Puerto Rican and Bolivian heritage

Hispanic and Latino Groups are Very Diverse


What was the first European language

spoken in the Americas? Spanish.

September 15th - October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month, a time dedicated to honoring the cultures and contributions of Hispanic and Latino/a/e/x Americans while celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of people whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

What is the connection between Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month and September?

Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month actually began as a commemorative week when it was first introduced in June of 1968 by California Congressman George E. Brown. The push to recognize the contributions of the Latinx community had gained momentum throughout the 1960s when the civil rights movement was at its peak and there was a growing awareness of the United States' multicultural identities.

Brown, who represented East Los Angeles and a large portion of the San Gabriel Valley—both heavily populated by members of the Hispanic and Latinx communities—wanted to recognize the role played by those communities throughout American history.

The month starts on September 15 because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. (Sources: and )

“Preservation of one's own culture does not

require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.”

--Cesar Chavez, Activist, Labor Organizer, Founder of National Farm Workers Association

What’s the Difference Between Hispanic, Latino, and Spanish?

Hispanic, Latino and Spanish are often used interchangeably in describing race. But what's the right terminology? Kat Lazo from Bustle shares knowledge.

Hispanic and Latino Populations are Very Diverse

Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month is a time for celebration, learning, and reflection on the rich contributions that Hispanic and Latinx people have and continue to make in our country and worldwide.

In the US, more than 60 million people trace their heritage to Spanish-speaking countries. While these countries share a language, there is a huge diversity within this population. The origin of Latino people varies greatly in major US cities.

Here is Sesame Streets take on the diversity of those attending a Latino fest!

SPOTLIGHT : Zoila Maher & Daniela Woodward, Pittsford Parents

(6:34 min) Learn about Zoila and her family's Puerto Rican heritage, Three Kings day, and the importance of Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month to the Mahers!

(6:36 min) Learn about Daniela and her family's Bolivian heritage, Day of the Dead, Carnaval, and the importance of Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month to the Woodwards!

Upcoming Hispanic-Latino Heritage Events

For local events celebrating Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month visit:

Notable People (Public Figures)

While there are many that could be added to these lists, here are a few examples of individuals that have made noteworthy contributes through the ages:

Additional Learning or Teaching Resources

Solidarity and Allyship

Whether you are a part of a group, or not, we are united together hoping to see each other in full humanity. For that reason, we feel it’s important to give resources for children and adults on being an ally, and an upstander- the ways you can stand up for those who aren't being treated well.

“We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world” Howard Zinn

Give us your input on Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month!

Throughout September and October, we will share our PTSA programming. We are aware that as a small group of volunteers we have a limited perspective. We want to celebrate ALL residents and truly value diversity and inclusion. We emphasize that our differences truly make us better. For that reason - we welcome you to complete this short feedback form We can add later in the month and hope to build from year to year.

If you have questions regarding any of this material, you may reach the Pittsford PTSA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee at


Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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