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PCSD Library Audit and Inclusive Literature Series (Part 1)

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

Pittsford Central PTSA invite you to our PCSD Library Audit and Inclusive Literature Series (Part 1) with Toni Baller (CRMS, Library Standards Leader), Janah Autovino (TRE), Tami Holihan (PRE), Laurie Lancto (now Kindergarten at TRE), Danielle Read (BRMS), and Karen Wilson (ACE).

This Presentation was part of our regular PTSA D&I Monthly Meeting, Monday, February 1⋅7:00 – 8:30pm. (find meeting virtual location details on our website)

As a district, we are dedicated to putting the best, most accurate resources in front of our children. Not just in regard to curriculum materials, but also other media sources as well. The Pittsford Central PTSA Diversity and Inclusion Committee cordially invites you to first in a three part series on the PCSD Libraries Inclusivity initiatives covering three important subject areas:

  • Diversity audit results

  • Diverse Book lists and authors

  • How do discern credible information

In our first presentation, PCSD Teacher Librarian and Library Standards Leader, Toni Baller, will provide an overview of the audit process used to identify, classify, update and diversify the district's library collections. While the audit itself is still in process, many benefits have already emerged from this project and we will learn how this is an ongoing and continual process critical to maintaining an up to date and diverse collection of library resources for our children.


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Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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