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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI)

Featured Programming

About Us

The District PTSA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee serves as a resource to parents, teachers, and students. By identifying educational opportunities and events regarding issues of diversity, the committee promotes a culture of inclusivity in our community. Our goal is for all members of our community to feel safe, welcomed, and valued in recognition of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression and identity, language, sexual orientation, age, familial-status, nation of origin, physical and mental abilities, learning differences, or socio-economic status.

Social Media

Subscribe via Google Calendar or ical


Education. By identifying online and text resources and programming opportunities for students, parents and teachers, we build awareness to different types of diversity within our increasingly interconnected world. We promote and provide forums for open conversations in order to build understanding and empathy.

Connection. We foster strong relationships among families within our district through networking events and structured “partnership” programming (e.g. a welcome-wagon program, a mentoring program, various support networks, clubs).

Representation. Through programming and other efforts, we create opportunities for students to see themselves reflected in their learning environment.

This Calendar View is also comprised of a number of religious and secular ical feeds from Google calendar and

(Buddhist , Chinese, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox Christian, Sikh Holidays)

Subscribe to just the Heritage Event Calendar via Google Calendar or ical


  • Laura Pullem

  • Yvonne Colton 

Diversity & Inclusion eNews Archives

Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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