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Cultural Arts & Visiting Author

The Pittsford PTSA is proud to support participation in the Monroe #1 BOCES Arts in Education and Exploratory Enrichment Programs. The programs align to New York State Arts and Academic Standards and support student learning outcomes.  PTSA receives state aid reimbursement for provided services within SED guidelines when utilizing BOCES services.

BOCES Services

BOCES offers three services:


BART events include those events that are coordinated and supported by Monroe #1 BOCES. The events must be aligned to New York State The Arts Standards or  Arts Integration Standards (including NYS Arts Standards and including NYS Academic Standards).
Detailed information, forms and requests can be found at


BEE is a new CoSer created by Monroe #1 BOCES to fill a need for events that support academic standards outside the realm of the NYS Arts Standards. This includes experts and institutions with focus on Mathematics, Science, and History Standards, as well as Environmental, Career Development, Health and Character Education learning outcomes.

Monroe #1 BOCES will provide opportunities for students to participate in shared learning experiences, focusing on NYS academic and/or occupational standards, excluding the Arts in Education Co-Ser. Program activities will take place in district facilities, at Monroe #1 BOCES, or at out-of-district facilities, such as universities and colleges, museums, libraries, historic sites, estates, zoos, and gardens.

All program request made through BEE must be aligned to New York State Academic Standards. And a minimum of 2 district participation is required to receive aid.  To view a listing of current events that are shared or need a partner, please visit the BEE Shared Event Listing page.

​Purchase Order procedure​s can be found here.

Celebrities in the Schools

Our PTSA Visiting Author program is a part of CIS.

Celebrities in the Schools is a program which provides a variety of authors, illustrators and storytellers for school visits.  These visits are designed to foster literacy initiatives and an enjoyment of literature.  The presentations range from large assembly settings to individual classroom visits.  District representatives that subscribe to the service recommend authors each spring for the upcoming school year.

Request procedures can be found at


Contact the PTSA chairperson(s) at your school building or email the PTSA District Cultural Arts Chair.

Visit the BOCES website for more information on programs. 

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Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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