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District PTSA Committee Nominations


Choosing the leadership for PTSA is an important part of our spring activities. Future PTSA Leadership is of utmost important to our organization. We hope you will consider being part of the work we do to bring wonderful programs to our students. 


The Nominating Committee will put forth a slate of candidates for the following positions. 



If you are interested in any of these positions, please fill out the application form below.  The Applications will open on April 1st and close on April 25th.

The nominating committee will review applications and choose a slate of candidates to put forward for membership to vote on. Voting will take place at our June 10th meeting. Anyone is able to run from the floor for these positions by submitting your name to at least 2 days before the meeting. 

We will be voting by ballot for any position that has a member running from the floor. We ask that the slate and all members who express interest running from the floor be present at the meeting for a 2 minute introduction to present yourself to others before voting begins.


Membership Requirements: Only current PTSA members will be allowed to vote for candidates on June 10th. If you have a family membership (1 membership for $17), the person who signed up is the person who can vote. The guidance for student members is that they be able to understand and vote on their own without adult intervention. NYS PTA previously stated this would usually be around late elementary age.


The officer positions are not the only positions available for volunteering! We have a number of school level and district-level positions available and look forward to supporting you if you are interested in these. Check with your current school chairs or e-news for school-level positions.



Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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