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After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP)


Children need a safe place to be after school with caring, responsible adults and engaging activities that enrich and/or enhance their learning.



The mission of ASEP is to provide safe and supervised after school educational, enriching and/or recreational programs for school age children in grades K-12. Building PTSA’s will choose programs based on their individual demographics, interest level, parent commitment. All programs require the approval of the building’s principal.)

ASE Committee Leadership Structure


  • District Level ASE Coordinator(s)

  • District PTSA President(s)

  • Representative from each school (Elementary building ASE Coordinator)


ASEP Values

  1. Nothing we do is as important as the effect it has on a child.

  2. Engaging activities develop values, skills and relationships. Activities are not seen as ends in themselves, but as vehicles for creating values, building skills and solidifying peer and adult relationships. An engaging activity is one that holds children's attention, awakens their imagination, and inspires them to want to learn more.

  3. All children have equal rights to be accepted, respected and valued by others. Children are viewed as individuals to be developed, not problems to be solved.

  4. Children should be considered when making decisions about the programs and program design. If children get to choose how, when, in what and with whom to be engaged, they are far more likely to enjoy themselves and behave cooperatively.

  5. When we listen for understanding everyone learns — children and adults alike. We are constantly able to learn from our children as well as each other. Everyone is a learner.

  6. Programs are intended to be self supporting and to break even financially. They should not be designed to generate a profit for PTSA.

Important Information


District ASEP Coordinator 

Tegan Rathfelder


ASEP Building Coordinators


Allen Creek:                Andrea Popp

Jefferson Road:          Kara Ricotta and Danielle Shannon

Mendon Center:        Kristin Hans

Park Road:                  Jen Deutchki 

Thornell Road:           Sarah Mueller and Brittini Cortina​

Instructor and Program Approval

PTSA ASEP instructors and programs must be approved at the District PTSA level. Once approved, instructors can teach a program at any PCSD elementary building. ASEP school coordinators will be notified once the instructor has been approved.


The Current Approved Instructor List can be obtained from the ASEP Chair. 


New instructors and programs must complete the following process:


Paid Instructors:

  1. Complete an online application using the application button below.

  2. Complete the Independent Contractor Agreement, found below in Related Files, then mail/email to the District ASEP coordinator.

  3. Provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance. Contact chair for details.

  4. Complete a W-9, found below in Related Files. 


Volunteer Instructors:

 1.  An online application using the form below.
2.  Volunteer Instructor Agreement found below in Related Files.


All new program requests are reviewed by the PTSA ASEP Leadership Committee, the PCSD Assistant Superintendent for Instruction (ASI) and the building principal(s) of the school(s) that may host the program.  As appropriate, the ASI will review the proposed offering with the Coordinator for Equity and Inclusivity.  If deemed necessary, the ASI may also elect to bring the proposal to the Elementary Leadership Team for discussion.

Registration Process

The program registration process can be specific to each building or program. Schools do not have to run their registration the same way, which allows for flexibility with program needs or requirements. However, the approved wording must be used on all registration forms. All buildings collecting paper registration forms must use the District PTSA ASEP form templates found below in Related Files. Contact the webmaster for online registration & payment e-form templates.


Facility Use

Forms to reserve a facility can be found on the PCSD site. View forms: Non-Athletic Facility or Athletic Facility


Related Files

Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: P.O. Box 781, Pittsford, NY 14534 

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